Our homemade dildo kit lets you make an exact, vibrating, silicone replica of any penis. Clone-A-Willy's casting kit captures incredible lifelike detail, making it the most personalized homemade sex toy on the planet!
Each Clone-A-Willy kit comes with:
- Body-safe, diy homemade dildo
clone kit
light skin tone-colored silicone - Algae-based molding powder
- Molding tube (2.5 inches wide, 11 inches tall)
- Single-speed vibrator
- Easy-to-follow instructions (view the latest version here)
If your penis is 9” or larger, you will need to use an XL vibrator and may need extra silicone. If you want to make a non-vibrating dildo, you'll definitely need extra silicone.
All materials & packaging made in Portland, OR, USA.