Tastease Sweet Cream Edible Nipple Pasties & Pecker Wraps | Pastease VibratorsTastease Sweet Cream Edible Nipple Pasties & Pecker Wraps | Pastease Vibrators

Tastease Sweet Cream Edible Nipple Pasties Pecker Wraps Pastease Vibrators

Welcome to the world of Tastease Edible Pasties and Pecker Wraps Sweet Cream Candy by Pastease Pasties. This delectable sex candy will have your taste buds dancing with pleasure! But before you indulge, let us share some rules and directions to ensure the best experience possible.

Firstly, cleanliness is key. Always begin and end with clean, dry skin. Secondly, keep it fresh by only opening the package when you're ready to taste, tease, and use. To apply, moisten the area or the back of the pasties with water, saliva, or another wet substance nearby. Once applied, savor the flavor and share your treats with someone special. Lick, suck, and savor until you reach completion or satisfaction. However, please remember that Tastease are meant for your mouth only. Avoid stuffing or sticking them near any other orifice.

For the perfect fit, please refer to our helpful sizing guide:
  • Size: One size fits most.
  • Weight: Light and comfortable.
  • Material: Edible candy.
  • Flavor: Sweet Cream.

Get ready to elevate your lingerie game with these pasties and accessories! Browse our collection of adult candy and erotic foods, sexy costume accessories, and clothing. As a reminder, our product is Amazon Restricted, and we have a new primary image package for 2023.

Are you ready to indulge in the sweetest sex candy you'll ever taste? Shop now and experience the ultimate satisfaction.